Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 29 Nov 2001

Vol. 545 No. 3

Written Answers. - Job Losses.

Dick Spring


60 Mr. Spring asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment her views on the job losses which have taken place at companies (details supplied) in County Kerry. [30288/01]

I am aware of the job losses that have taken place in the past number of years in Listowel.

As a result, Listowel has been designated as a priority area of both IDA Ireland and Shannon Development. Indeed, over the last two years, IDA Ireland has been actively marketing the new BES advance factory which was located in the town.

On 18 April 2001 I met with representatives from Listowel Urban District Council, IDA Ireland and SFADCo to discuss the then recent closure of Celtic Circuits and also the new advance factory. To date, there have been three site visits to this factory but no company has yet expressed an interest in locating in Listowel.
Listowel will continue to be actively marketed but the ultimate decision on where a company locates will be based on the appropriateness of the area to the company's own needs.
Shannon Development is currently examining the feasibility of establishing a business development centre in Listowel on a company-owned site on the industrial estate. The intention for such a centre is that it would be developed to a very high specification and would be primarily targeted at new knowledge based indigenous start-ups, with strong links to Kerry Technology Park, which was officially opened on 9 November 2001.

Dick Spring


61 Mr. Spring asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the meetings she has attended in relation to the advance factory, sponsored by the local business community in Listowel; and the proposals for locating a new industry there in the coming months. [30289/01]

IDA Ireland has designated Listowel as a priority town in the mid-west region and the agency is committed to securing a new project for the town. IDA Ireland aims to attract projects from a complete range of its target sectors in either manufacturing or international services.

Since September 1999 when the Tánaiste officiated at the sod-turning ceremony of the 16,600 square foot BES advance factory in Listowel, IDA has been actively marketing the factory through its network of overseas offices. In November 2000 three members of IDA' s top management team viewed the building and met members of the Listowel Investment Group, the promoters of the factory. In February 2001 Listowel UDC called a special meeting, which was attended by IDA and SFADCo personnel, following the closure in the town of Celtic Circuits. On 18 April, the Tánaiste met representatives from Listowel UDC, IDA and SFADCo to discuss the closure of Celtic Circuits and the vacant advance factory. The IDA Manager for the mid-west region also regularly attends meetings of the Listowel Investments Group. However, despite this promotion activity, which has included three site visits, no investing company has expressed an interest in locating in the Listowel advance factory. IDA will continue to actively market the BES factory and Listowel to potential clients. However, the ultimate decision on location will be made by companies based on the appropriateness of the area to their needs.
