Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 30 Jan 2002

Vol. 547 No. 1

Written Answers. - Offshore Exploration.

Enda Kenny


159 Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources the terms and conditions of the petroleum lease-licence issued to a company (details supplied); the reason the licence has issued; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [2723/02]

As the Deputy is aware I have granted a petroleum lease under the Petroleum and Other Minerals Act, 1960 demising the petroleum in the Corrib Field to Enterprise Energy Ireland Limited and its partners Statoil Exploration (Ireland) Limited and Marathon International Petroleum (Hibernia) Limited and to which I attached, in agreement with the Corrib Group certain covenants, conditions and subsidiary agreements as I considered proper or desirable in the public interest, consistent with good industry practice and in accordance with other relevant laws.

I am not in a position to release a copy of the petroleum lease. This document is commercially sensitive and must remain confidential between me and the lessees.

The petroleum lease granted by me was in accordance with my Department's licensing terms for offshore oil and gas exploration and development, 1992, which require that when a commercial discovery has been established it will be the duty of an exploration authorisation holder to apply to me for a petroleum lease with a view to the development of the field.

Under the lease no development can take place. Under the terms of the lease the lessees are not permitted to commence development of the field until a plan of development accompanied by an environmental impact statement is approved by me and all other authorisations, including planning permission for the terminal, are in place.

I can confirm that a plan of development accompanied by an environmental impact statement has been submitted to me and is currently under consideration in my Department.
