Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 30 Jan 2002

Vol. 547 No. 1

Written Answers. - Special Educational Needs.

Paul Bradford


1213 Mr. Bradford asked the Minister for Education and Science if a person (details supplied) in County Cork will be granted additional resource teaching hours. [1732/02]

I am pleased to advise the Deputy that the resource teaching support sought for the child in question was sanctioned by my Department on 4 January 2002. The school authorities have been notified accordingly.

Brian O'Shea


1214 Mr. O'Shea asked the Minister for Education and Science, further to parliamentary Question No. 483 of 15 May 2001, the position in regard to having an educational psychological assessment carried out on the person who was the subject of that question; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1733/02]

(Dr. Woods): Subsequent to my investigation of this case and my reply of May 2001, the NEPS psychologist assigned to the school attended by the pupil in question visited the school in June 2001. He discussed the pupil's needs with the school principal and learned that the pupil was already receiving resource teaching and making satisfactory progress. It was agreed that the principal would notify the psychologist if there was any change in the situation or cause for concern.
In November, the pupil's mother contacted NEPS requesting an individual psychological assessment. It was explained that his needs had been investigated and that his progress was satisfactory. However, given her concern, a meeting was immediately arranged for her with the NEPS psychologist and the relevant school staff. A range of information and possible future options for the pupil were discussed at the meeting.
NEPS is satisfied that the pupil's educational needs are being met within the school. An indi vidual psychological assessment at this time would not effect any improvement in the support being provided to him. However, school personnel will monitor his situation and will inform their NEPS psychologist at once if they have any cause for concern.