Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 5 Feb 2002

Vol. 547 No. 3

Written Answers. - States Examinations.

Pat Rabbitte


441 Mr. Rabbitte asked the Minister for Education and Science the number of students by gender who took Gaeilge at leaving certificate higher level in 2001; the numbers as a percentage of those who took the subject Gaeilge at any level and as a percentage of all examination candidates; the numbers of students by gender scoring grade C or higher in higher Gaeilge in 2001; the number and percentage of students by gender who took the subjects English, geography, French and home economics at a higher level in 2001; the location of detailed information on examination results which may be accessed by members of the general public; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3674/02]

The following is the information sought by the Deputy. A total of 10,311 females and 5,408 males took Gaeilge at leaving certificate higher level in 2001. The number of those who took Gaeilge at higher level represents 30.93% of those who took the subject Gaeilge at any level and 27.73% of all leaving certificate examination candidates in 2001. A total of 8,435 females and 4,000 males obtained grade C3 or higher in Gaeilge higher level in 2001. Of the candidature for each of the following subjects, the following is the breakdown by gender of those who took the subject at higher level:

English – 18,147 (64.59%) Females and 13,119 (52.25%) Males

Geography – 10,748 (77.59%) Females and 11,057 (73.13%) Males

French – 10,256 (50.85%) Females and 5,798 (42.49%) Males

Home Economics, Scientific and Social –12,282 (74.47%) Females and 1,818 (62.43%) Males

Home Economics, General – 20 (28.17%) Females and 2 (50%) Males.

Detailed information on examination results for 2001 will be available shortly from the statistics section of my Department.
