Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 5 Feb 2002

Vol. 547 No. 3

Written Answers. - Motor Insurance Industry.

Ivor Callely


127 Mr. Callely asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the measures available to her Department to address issues such as insurance costs; the type of measures which could be introduced to address issues such as premium demands and discrimination on age and gender; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [3563/02]

Decisions on the underwriting of insurance risks and the setting of premiums are matters for judgment by individual private insurance companies and EU law prevents my Department from intervening directly in the matter. For example, motor insurance premiums are normally based on underwriting experience, including trends in the level, frequency and cost of claims, for particular risks and classes of risk.

My Department is pursuing initiatives to address the high cost of insurance, including motor insurance. The Motor Insurance Advisory Board has been charged with advising us on motor insurance costs and, in particular, with examining the relationship between the incidence of claims and the premiums charged for various classes of policy holder identified by age and sex. The issue of the high cost of insurance for young drivers is especially being examined by the board. I expect to receive the final report of the board over the month ahead. In light of its recommendations, the Government and I will consider what further action is appropriate and necessary.

An interdepartmental implementation group is progressing the establishment of the Personal Injuries Assessment Board. I am confident that the establishment of the PIAB will achieve a reduction in the delivery costs of personal injury compensation, thus permitting a reduction in insurance costs to consumers. The group is nearing completion of its examination of the issues involved and is preparing a report on how the PIAB should be established and operate.
Under the Equal Status Act, 2000, any individual who considers that he or she has experienced discrimination within the meaning of the Act may refer a complaint to the Director of Equality Investigations for investigation or mediation. Among the areas of potential discrimination are age or sex of an individual.