Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 14 Feb 2002

Vol. 548 No. 4

Written Answers. - Child and Adolescent Centres.

Róisín Shortall


204 Ms Shortall asked the Minister for Education and Science if, further to Parliamentary Question No. 188 of 6 December 2001, he will outline the annual cost per child which is calculated at ?158,965 with an overall annual running cost of ?6,348,690 approximately for 2001; the way in which this figure was reached; the number of boys present at the end of each month throughout 2001; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [5079/02]


asked the Minister for Education and Science if, further to Parliamentary Question No. 189 of 6 December 2001, he will report on the precise period during which the service unit of St. Laurence's was closed for renovation works; the reason the Grove pre-release unit, which opened in June 1999 at a cost of €634,869 was then closed in June 2001; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [5080/02]


asked the Minister for Education and Science if, further to Parliamentary Question No. 4 of 31 January 2002, and his announcement of an investigation into the operation of the Finglas Children's Centre, he will confirm that this is in addition to the general inspection being carried out into all of the children's centres; the name of the person who is to carry out the said investigation; the terms of reference of same; the expected duration; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [5081/02]

Róisín Shortall


207 Ms Shortall asked the Minister for Education and Science the number of complaints his Department received regarding problems within the Finglas Children's Centre; the action which was taken on foot of these; and the actions which the board of management has taken to monitor and safeguard best practice within the centre over the past two years. [5082/02]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 204 to 207, inclusive, together.

The unit cost figure of £125,195, €158,998, for 2001 referred to by the Deputy was estimated by reference to an operational capacity of 40 boys for the Finglas Children's Centre. That operational capacity of 40 was used in the calculation of the unit cost figures for each of the three years as being representative of the operational capacity for the years in question and to allow for comparisons between the unit costs for each year. The details sought by the Deputy in relation to the number of boys present in the centre at the end of each month in 2001 is being compiled and will be sent to the Deputy shortly.

The accommodation units St. Laurence's care and education unit are provided across three distinct dormitory areas as follows middle dormitory, northern dormitory and the southern dormitory. These units were closed for major refurbishment works during the following periods: middle dormitory – 24 July 2000 to 30 September 2000; southern dormitory – 15 January 2001 to 12 April 2001 for the bedroom areas, this dormitory is closed currently to facilitate works on the living room areas that commenced on 14 January 2002 and which are scheduled to be completed on 28 June 2002; and northern dormitory – 4 July 2001 to 11 January 2002

The Grove throughcare or pre-release unit at the centre was temporarily closed at the end of June 2001 as the need for the service had declined temporarily and the centre was short of staff in other units. The Grove was reopened in July 2001 to serve as an interim senior unit to facilitate the refurbishment works on the northern dormitory of St. Laurence's care and education unit. It is expected that the Grove will reopen as a pre-release unit in April-May of this year.

The independent inspection of the Finglas Children's Centre will be separate to any inspection of the other special schools for young offenders. The inspection will be carried out by Mr. M. Laxton, who is an internationally recognised expert in the field of residential child care. It is expected that Mr. Laxton will commence work on the inspection within the next ten days and it is estimated that the inspection process will be completed in early April. The inspector will examine and inspect the operations of the centre by reference to standards that were drawn up by my Department in consultation with the centres themselves and the social services inspectorate. These standards cover all aspects of residential child care and reflect best practice both in Ireland and internationally. I have arranged for a copy to be sent to the Deputy for her information.

My Department is aware of one complaint received by the social services inspectorate in December 2001 in relation to the operations of the centre in question. The inspectorate referred this complaint to my Department for attention and a copy has been made available to Mr. Laxton in the context of the upcoming inspection of the centre. The director and the board of management have also been made aware of the complaint and the action now being taken. My Department has also written to the complainant to advise him of the inspection arrangements now in train and to request his co-operation with the inspector so that all relevant matters can be fully and comprehensively examined by the inspector. When the inspector's report becomes available, my Department will consider what further action, if any, is required.
The board of management of the centre has been requested to provide a written report to the Department on the issue raised by the Deputy concerning the board. A written reply will issue to the Deputy when the Department receives the board's response.