Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 14 Feb 2002

Vol. 548 No. 4

Written Answers. - School Closures.

Tom Enright


236 Mr. Enright asked the Minister for Education and Science if his attention has been drawn to the fact that there is widespread opposition to the closure by his Department of Ballyfin College, Ballyfin, Portlaoise, County Laois, among the students, parents, teachers and the wider community in County Laois; if this school is retained by his Department; if this school will be kept open, improved and expanded for the betterment of education in County Laois; and if this school property will be purchased by his Department. [5199/02]

The process of assessing the need for new or replacement educational facilities at primary or post-primary level in any given area involves consideration of all relevant factors, including enrolment and demographic trends, housing developments and existing school provision serving the area. These factors apply equally in both urban and rural cases. For the purpose of second level education, Ballyfin is included in the Portlaoise catchment area. The management authorities at the Patrician College, Ballyfin, indicated to my Department some time ago that they were not in a position to continue to provide post-primary education in Ballyfin. As an alternative, they proposed to participate in the management of an amalgamated community college with County Laois VEC. I should emphasise that, as trustees of the Patrician College, the decision to withdraw from trusteeship and man agement of the school is a matter for the Patrician Brothers.

The issue for me, as Minister for Education and Science, is how post-primary educational provision in the catchment should be structured to best effect, having regard to the brothers' decision and the major capital funding required by the other post-primary schools in the area. Taking all factors into account, I am of the view that the appropriate course of action is to support the decision taken by the Patrician Brothers and the VEC to amalgamate in a new community college on the outskirts of Portlaoise. I am advised that substantial capital investment in three modern schools in Portlaoise is the best strategy for meeting the needs of all students of the catchment area. In these circumstances, my Department has no plans to purchase the property in question. I met representatives of the Ballyfin parents' council last December and listened to its concerns. In the interim, officials of my Department have also met representatives of the parents and teachers at the school, whose objective is to retain a post-primary school in Ballyfin. The representatives were given the opportunity to submit to me their views regarding the proposed amalgamation and my officials are awaiting their response.
