Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 14 Feb 2002

Vol. 548 No. 4

Written Answers. - Agriculture Appeals Office.


68 Dr. Upton asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development the number of appeals heard to date by the independent appeals tribunal set up under the Agriculture Appeals Act, 2001; if appeals have been heard to date; if not, the reason this is the case; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4942/02]

The legislation governing the establishment of the new independent agriculture appeals office was enacted last July. It is envisaged that the office will be operational in the spring of this year. As the new office has not yet been established, no appeals have been heard to date.

This new office will provide a statutory appeals system for farmers who may wish to challenge decisions made by my Department regarding the payment of grants under the direct payment schemes to farmers. It will deal with appeals under a wide range of schemes including the livestock premium schemes, the area based compensation scheme, arable aid, rural environment protection scheme, early retirement scheme, the on- farm investment schemes, the national beef assurance scheme and certain aspects of the disease eradication schemes. It will also provide an appeals system for dealers in livestock and poultry.
The office will be based in Portlaoise. At the outset there will be approximately 22 staff and this will be reviewed based on actual experience of workload. The Civil Service Commission interdepartmental competition for the appointment of the director of the office has been advertised. The selection process for the appeals officers has been initiated and the recruitment of the remaining staff will commence shortly thereafter. Arrangements for the provision of the necessary accommodation are well advanced.