Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 7 Mar 2002

Vol. 550 No. 2

Written Answers. - Disabled Drivers.

Bernard Allen


231 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Finance the reasons a person who is unable to walk more than a few yards due to heart and lung failure is unable to get a concession of VAT off a vehicle to enable the person or his partner to drive the person to destinations; and if he will alter the regulations governing VAT and excise concessions. [8242/02]

The Minister for Finance has no role in determining whether a person satisfies the medical criteria laid down in the regulations governing the disabled drivers' and disabled passengers' (tax concessions) scheme. That is a matter for the senior area medical officer of the appropriate health board who will issue a primary medical certificate where the qualifying medical criteria are met. Where the issue of a certificate is refused, the person concerned may appeal the decision to the Disabled Drivers' Medical Board of Appeal. This is an independent board whose decision is final.

The scheme is currently under review by an interdepartmental group chaired by an official from the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform. The group is examining all aspects of the scheme, including the qualifying medical criteria. I understand the work of the group is at an advanced stage. Any proposals – whether to widen the scope of the scheme or otherwise – which may emanate from the review group will receive full consideration. Until such time, no amendments to the scheme will be considered.

For the Deputy's information, there are other State funded schemes aimed at mobility, namely, a mobility allowance and a motorized transport grant, both of which are payable by the health boards.
