Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 7 Mar 2002

Vol. 550 No. 2

Written Answers. - Educational Projects.

Róisín Shortall


545 Ms Shortall asked the Minister for Education and Science the details of all funding provided by his Department over each of the past three years for organisations (details supplied); and the funding allocated or agreed for 2002. [7442/02]

My Department did not provide funding for the INTO in 1999 or 2000. In 2001 the cost of secondments to the INTO that were met by my Department was €15,476.45.

My Department assisted the IPPN in 2000 with a grant of €38,092.14, £30,000, towards its start up costs. My Department is also meeting the costs of the secondment of the director of the IPPN for a two year period up to the end of September 2002. Furthermore, a grant of €63,486.90, £50,000, was made to the IPPN in December 2001 to assist it in carrying out its various activities.

My Department provided €133,322.49, £105,000, to the National Prices Commission primary in each of the years 1999 and 2000. The figure for 2001 was €228,552.85, £180,000. The allocation to the National Prices Commission primary for 2002 is €230,000.

My Department provided €133,322.49, £105,000, to the National Prices Commission post primary in 1999, €88,881.67, £70,000, in 2000. The balance of the year 2000 grant €44,440.83, £35,000, was paid in 2001. The figure for 2001 was €178,017.28, £140,200, this includes the balance of the year 2000 grant. The allocation to the National Prices Commission post primary for 2002 is €189,000.

My Department provided €38,092.14, £30,000, to the NAPD in 1999. The cost of membership subscriptions to the NAPD is an appropriate charge on school funds. Accordingly, individual school management authorities may, if they wish, meet this cost from funding advanced by the Department in respect of appropriate school personnel.
