Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 20 Mar 2002

Vol. 550 No. 4

Written Answers. - Rail Services.

Brendan Daly


185 Mr. Daly asked the Minister for Public Enterprise if funding will be made available to carry out maintenance and improvement works on the Limerick-Ennis-Athenry railway line in 2002; if her attention has been drawn to the long delays being experienced in making the rail journey from Limerick to Ennis; the funding available for the necessary upgrading of the line; the works which will be undertaken in 2002; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [8525/02]

Iarnród Éireann plans to renew the Limerick-Ennis line by end 2003, as originally planned in the safety investment plan. So far, 2.4 miles were relayed in 1997 and five miles in 2000. To date €2.5 million has been spent on the line under the national development plan. The balance of 16.2 miles is to be completed over the period 2002-03 at an estimated cost of €11.2 million. When the track renewal work is completed speeds and journey quality will be improved.

As the Deputy will be aware, I have recently initiated a strategic rail review. This review will examine a range of proposals for railway services in various parts of the country and develop a 20 year blueprint for the future of the network to meet the increasing demand for public transport. Clearly any decision with regard to future funding priorities to maximise the development of the rail network must await the outcome of this review. Therefore, as the Deputy will appreciate, any decision with regard to the Ennis to Athenry line will be taken in the context of the outcome of the strategic rail review.
