Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 20 Mar 2002

Vol. 550 No. 4

Written Answers. - Garda Equipment.

Alan Shatter


622 Mr. Shatter asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the position regarding the helicopter purchased by An Garda Síochána in 2000; the cost of the helicopter; the use to which it has been put to date; the purpose for which it was acquired; the costs incurred to date in storing and maintaining the helicopter; and the persons who have been trained to use the helicopter. [9140/02]

In 1997, a Defender fixed wing aircraft and a Eurocopter AS355 were delivered and entered into service with the Garda air support unit.

A decision was made subsequently to introduce a second helicopter for use by the Garda air support unit and in August 1999 a contract was placed for a Eurocopter EC135. This represents a new generation of helicopter technology. The craft is built to order and delivery time depends on the production line and demand from other customers. Following construction, the craft was then delivered to the UK for the fitting out of specialised police equipment.

The fitting out of most of the specialised equipment was been completed and the necessary trials carried out allowing acceptance by us of the craft on 20 December 2001. However, a small number of items and additional Garda tactical components are currently being fitted.

The total cost of the second Garda helicopter, including the specialised police equipment fitted to the aircraft, is €5.057 million – inclusive of VAT. No direct costs have been incurred as regards maintenance and hangarage of the helicopter since December 2001. Garda observers have been receiving some training in the use of tactical equipment. I understand that five Air Corps pilots have completed ground school training with the manufacturer and that two Air Corps technicians have also received technical training.

The second helicopter is being purchased with a view to increasing the availability and coverage of air support to the Garda Síochána; to provide additional availability during servicing downtime of the current helicopter and to provide for an increase in operating hours to a twenty four hour immediate response capability in time.
