Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 26 Mar 2002

Vol. 551 No. 2

Written Answers. - Departmental Appointments.

Ruairí Quinn


156 Mr. Quinn asked the Minister for Public Enterprise the solicitors or barristers who were appointed since 26 June 1997, as members or chairpersons of any board or committee or other body, advisers, consultants, or as holders of any other position or office other than judicial office, under the aegis of or in her Department; the name of the person in each case; if he or she is a solicitor or barrister; the position to which the person was appointed; the date of appointment; the date the person ceased to hold the position if applicable; the remuneration paid since 26 July 1997; and if the holding of particular legal qualifications or experience was a requirement for the position in question. [9794/02]

Mr. William Prasifka was appointed Commissioner for Aviation Regulation on 27 February 2001 in accordance with section 11 of the Aviation Regulation Act, 2001. The Civil Service Commission ran the selection process for this post. Mr. Prasifka obtained his legal qualification in the United States and worked in the area of competition law both in the US and Ireland. However, a legal qualification was not a specific requirement in the competition for the post of Commissioner for Aviation Regulation. Mr. Prasifka's remuneration is in accordance with the advertised terms of the post.

On 11 May 2001, Mr. Patrick Keane, Senior Counsel, was appointed to carry out a review of the public inquiry which was held into the non-fatal accident to the Aer Lingus DC 3 near Birmingham, UK, on 1 January 1953 which had been carried out by Judge Thomas Teevan. Mr. Keane's appointment was governed by the qualification requirements laid down in SI 205 of 1997 Air Navigation (Notification and Investigation of Accidents and Incidents) Regulations, 1997 which stipulated that a review shall be conducted by a barrister of not less than ten years' experience or by a person with aeronautical knowledge. Remuneration in regard to Mr. Keane's services will be decided on the advice of the Attorney General's office.

The Minister established a panel of three members on 12 November 2001 in accordance with section 40 of the Aviation Regulation Act, 2001, to consider appeals against the determination of the Commission for Aviation Regulation on airport charges at State airports issued on 26 August 2001. Mr. Rory Brady, senior counsel, was appointed chairman of the panel. The panel completed its work within the prescribed period of two months and now stands dissolved in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Although it is not a requirement of the Act for any appointee to the panel to have a legal qualification, it was felt that between them, the appointees should have a range of expertise in the legal, economic and technical fields given the particular nature of the work involved in the appeals process. Mr. Brady's fee rate in connection with his work on the panel is €889 per day plus expenses and his invoice is awaited.
