Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 26 Mar 2002

Vol. 551 No. 2

Written Answers. - National Aquatic Centre.

Bernard Allen


442 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation if there is an independent valuation and certification of the cost of the work to date in relation to the National Aquatic Centre before payment is made; if so, the person who made the valuation; and the person to whom he or she reports. [9699/02]

Bernard Allen


443 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation the nature of the accounting process between Sports Campus Ireland and his Department supplying the funds; the role the Secretary General of his Department has in the process, especially in view of the fact that the Government will not build a single room extension to a school without a quantity surveyor recommending payment and an independent architect certifying same. [9700/02]

Bernard Allen


445 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation if the contract for the National Aquatic Centre is a fixed price contract; if not, the cost over-runs which have arisen to date; if stage payments are made; if so, the amount which has been paid to date; and the precise channels used to pay over the public funds involved. [9702/02]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 442, 443 and 445 together.

The contract for the aquatic and leisure centre at Abbotstown is a fixed price contract to the value of €61.45 million. Payments in respect of the contract are made on the basis of regular independent valuations of invoices submitted by the contractor in respect of works carried out on site. These valuations are carried out by Davis Langdon/PKS who are employed by Campus and Stadium Ireland Development Limited. as project managers for the aquatic and leisure centre. The Davis Langdon/PKS recommendations for payment are submitted to CSID who when satisfied that the work has been carried out satisfactorily request payment of the relevant amounts from my Department.

Moneys are released to CSID for payment to the contractor only after the Office of Public Works, our technical advisers on the project, have satisfied themselves that the amount recommended for payment by Davis Langdon/PKS and requested by CSID is in order and when Department of Finance sanction for the expenditure has been received. A sum of €30.5 million has been expended to date on the construction of the aquatic and leisure centre. The board of CSID is accountable for all expenditure by the company while the Secretary General, as is the case in all Departments, is the accounting officer for the issue of all moneys from the Vote to the company.

Bernard Allen


444 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation the name of the parties involved in the contract for the National Aquatic Centre. [9701/02]

There are four parties involved in the contract for the aquatic centre at Abbotstown. They are Campus and Stadium Ireland Development Limited, Rohcon Limited; Waterworld (UK) Limited; and Dublin Waterworld Limited.

Question No. 445 answered with Question No. 442.
