Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 28 Mar 2002

Vol. 551 No. 4

Written Answers. - Air Services.

Donal Carey


28 Mr. D. Carey asked the Minister for Public Enterprise the number of times she has met the chairman of Aer Rianta, giving times and dates, since 11 September 2001; if she discussed the issue of a budget airline terminal at Shannon Airport; and, if so, the outcome of these discussions. [10585/02]

I have met the chairman of Aer Rianta, both formally and informally, on a number of occasions since 11 September, 2001. I have also had telephone conversations with him on, inter alia, matters concerning the State airports, the difficulties in the aviation sector generally and related matters. The issue of a budget airline ter minal at Shannon Airport was not the subject of discussion with the chairman.

With the new terminal extension in Shannon Airport, which I opened in April 2000, Shannon now has capacity to cater for 4.5 million passengers per annum. Passenger throughput at Shannon last year was 2.4 million. Facilities now in place at Shannon can cater for passenger growth, both in relation to budget airlines and conventional carriers, for the foreseeable future.

Due to its high dependence on transatlantic traffic, the events of 11 September had a more immediate impact on traffic levels at Shannon as carriers responded to the US terrorist attacks with retrenchment and rationalisation programmes.

To assist in stimulating the development of new routes following the events of 11 September, Aer Rianta increased the period for zero airport charges for new routes at Shannon, and at Cork, from three to four years. Aer Rianta has also offered to provide marketing support for route development promotional activities.

New services are already coming on stream at Shannon which will assist the recovery of traffic levels at the airport. A new Ryanair service to Paris began on 14 February this year and Aer Arann commenced a Shannon-Dublin daily service on 11 March which it plans to increase to a twice daily service on 1 April. In addition, Skynet is scheduled to start a new Shannon-DublinWarsaw service at the end of April, while Air Canada will commence a Shannon-Dublin-Toronto service on 1 June.

Despite the current difficulties for the aviation sector, I am confident that the future viability of our three State airports, including Shannon, is secure and that once confidence is fully restored in air travel, particularly among US citizens, our airports will continue to grow and prosper continuing their valuable contribution to national economic and regional development.
