Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 17 Apr 2002

Vol. 552 No. 1

Written Answers. - Air Corps Helicopters.

Jim O'Keeffe


39 Mr. J. O'Keeffe asked the Minister for Defence the position in relation to the purchase of helicopters for the Air Corps; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11858/02]

Minister for Defence (Mr. M. Smith): On 17 January 2002, I authorised my Department to open negotiations with Sikorsky International Operations, Inc., Connecticut, USA, for the purchase of three medium range helicopters – S-92s – for search and rescue purposes. The negotiations were also to include an option exercisable within three years by the Department for a further two helicopters for general purpose military transport.
The decision followed from a detailed examination of the original tenders received from the four companies – Sikorsky, USA; CHC Scotia, Scotland; EH Industries Limited, UK, and Eurocopter, France and an examination of the best and final prices submitted by the four companies in December 2001.
In this regard I should say that I decided to seek best and final prices from each of the four tenderers because of the expiration of the validity of all the tenders and taking into account the changed international situation after the terrible events of 11 September. Following the submission and examination of the best and final prices, I deemed that the offer from Sikorsky was the most strategically and economically advantageous tender taking account of the award criteria set out for the tender competition, which were: functional characteristics; technical merit; all maintenance and on-line technical support; after sales service and warranty terms on offer; cost and ready availability of spare parts; tender prices and life cycle costs over a nominal 20 year period.
I am satisfied, on the basis of the facts presented to me, that the offer from Sikorsky would provide best value for money from the taxpayers point of view. The timeframe proposed by Sikorsky would see the delivery of three search and rescue helicopters by the end of next year.
Following on from my decision of 17 January 2002, Eurocopter have now instituted judicial review proceedings contesting the decision to open negotiations with Sikorsky. The matter was up for mention in the High Court last Monday, 15 April 2002. The matter was adjourned by consent of all parties to Monday, 13 May 2002 for mention.
My Department is continuing to deal with the Chief State Solicitor's office on the judicial review proceedings. It is my intention to be as forthcoming as possible in this regard. However, as the matter is due to come before the courts again in mid-May I do not wish to say anything further at this stage.
Question No. 40 answered with Question No. 30.