Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 17 Apr 2002

Vol. 552 No. 1

Written Answers. - Psychological Service.

Emmet Stagg


773 Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Education and Science when educational psychologists will be appointed to national schools in the Maynooth, Celbridge, Straffan and Ardclough areas of County Kildare; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11660/02]

The present situation with regard to the psychological service provided by the national educational psychological service agency to schools in County Kildare is as follows: all post-primary and 29 primary schools, school population c. 10,000 pupils, now have access to the service. A number of these schools are in the Celbridge area. In addition, 28 primary schools, population c. 4,000 pupils, in north-west Kildare, are involved in a pilot introductory programme during this school year, with a view to extending the NEPS service to them in the next school year. These schools were chosen to participate in this pilot intervention because of their location in an area designated as one of significant disadvantage. A list of these schools has previously been supplied to the Deputy.

The recent recruitment competition for psychologists in NEPS organised by the Civil Service and Local Appointments Commission has proved successful and new appointments will be made in the near future. A number of these will be made to the Eastern Region, south-western area, which will permit further phased expansion in County Kildare.

The first priority for expansion will be the schools in the pilot area. Expansion to other schools in the county will follow, as resources permit, and is expected to take place within the next year. All primary schools in the county which do not, as yet, have access to the NEPS service may avail of the scheme for commissioning psychological assessment, as may the schools in the pilot area.