Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 18 Apr 2002

Vol. 552 No. 2

Written Answers. - Schools Building Projects.

Liam Lawlor


143 Mr. Lawlor asked the Minister for Education and Science if he will respond to the concerns expressed by the chairperson of the combined boards of management of two primary schools (details supplied) in Lucan, County Dublin in respect of the delay in stage 2 of phase 2 of the major refurbishment works at both schools in view of the fact that the current phase is moving towards completion and approval for tenders for stage 2 is still awaited from the Department. [12161/02]

The allocation for primary buildings in 2002 is €153.6 million, which is a record level of funding and demonstrates this Government's commitment to improving accommodation in primary schools. This is almost four times the previous Government's investment in 1997. Because of the greatly increased level of activity in the primary buildings area since this Government came into office, there has been a substantial increase in the number of major and minor building projects in construction and this has given rise to a record level of building and refurbishment activity.

Phase 2 of a building project for the schools referred to by the Deputy is part of the Government's programme and is currently in architectural planning. The project will continue to the preparation of tender documents and the invitation to tenders, as soon as possible, under the expanded building programme.

Phil Hogan


144 Mr. Hogan asked the Minister for Education and Science when the site for a new school of the Holy Spirit at Seville Lodge, Kilkenny will be approved and completed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12162/02]

The property management section of the Office of Public Works has been asked to report on the possibility of acquiring a site for the School of the Holy Spirit, Gaol Road, Kilkenny.

When this report has been received and considered, the matter will be progressed further.

Dick Spring


145 Mr. Spring asked the Minister for Education and Science if his Department is in a position to indicate if it will issue approval for the commencement of the building project for Scoil Eoin, Balloonagh, Tralee. [12163/02]

The allocation for primary buildings in 2002 is €153.6 million, which is a record level of funding and demonstrates this Government's commitment to improving accommodation in primary schools. This is almost four times the previous Government's investment in 1997. Because of the greatly increased level of activity in the primary buildings area since this Government came into office, there has been a substantial increase in the number of major and minor building projects in construction and this has given rise to a record level of building and refurbishment activity.

My Department expects to be in a position during this year to give detailed consideration to an application from Scoil Eoin, Balloonagh, Tralee for improved accommodation as part of the expanded building programme.
