Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 23 Apr 2002

Vol. 552 No. 3

Written Answers. - Schools Building Projects.

Olivia Mitchell


183 Ms O. Mitchell asked the Minister for Education and Science when the application for funding to carry out urgently required repairs to a school (details supplied) in Dublin 16 will proceed to the next stage in view of the fact that the consultant architect's report has now been received by his Department. [12321/02]

The allocation for primary buildings in 2002 is €153.6 million, which is a record level of funding and demonstrates the Government's commitment to improving the accommodation situation in primary schools. This is almost four times the previous Government's investment in 1997.

Because of the greatly increased level of activity in the primary buildings area since the Government came into office, there has been a substantial increase in the number of major building projects in construction and this has given rise to a record level of building and refurbishment activity.

My Department's building unit advised the school authorities to engage a consultant architect to report on the extent of works required at the school. This report has been received and is currently being examined. When this examination is complete the case will be progressed further.

Question No. 184 answered with Question No. 181.

Gerry Reynolds


185 Mr. G. Reynolds asked the Minister for Education and Science if funding will be provided in 2002 for the provision of a sports area, with appropriate facilities, for a school (details supplied) in County Donegal. [12323/02]

The allocation for post-primary buildings in 2002 is €182.31 million, which is a record level of funding and demonstrates the Government's commitment to improving the accommodation situation in post-primary schools. This is almost four times the previous Government's investment in 1997.

Because of the greatly increased level of investment in the post primary buildings area since the Government came into office, there has been a substantial increase in the number of major and minor building projects in construction and this has given rise to a record level of building and refurbishment activity.
The school to which the Deputy refers is to receive a PE hall of 806m². The school authorities were recently presented with the Department's template for PE halls, which they have accepted. The issue of appointing a design team to progress the project through architectural planning will be addressed shortly under the expanded building programme.