Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 23 Apr 2002

Vol. 552 No. 3

Written Answers. - Early School Leavers.

Austin Deasy


223 Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Education and Science the position regarding an application by the Ballybeg Community Development Project under the early school leavers initiative, given that they have fully complied with all requests from his Department and have received an endorsement from Waterford ESLI; if he will grant approval in view of the fact that this project is due to run out of funding shortly; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12608/02]

The Deputy is referring to an application for funding under the fund for the development of targeted responses to children at risk which was received from Ballybeg Community Education Project in 2001. This fund is overseen by my colleague, the Minister of State, Deputy Hanafin. The purpose of this fund is to develop preventative and supportive programmes that are targeted at children and young people who are at risk of educational disadvantage and social exclusion.

In assessing applications, consideration was given to Department supported interventions already in place in the areas concerned so as to avoid duplication of effort and resources. In this regard, my Department is providing support for an eight to 15 Early School Leaver Project (ESLI) in the Ballybeg area. It was considered that there was a substantial overlap between the aims, objectives, the target group identified and the services provided under both the ESLI project and the Ballybeg Community Education Project. It was, therefore, decided that it would be inappropriate to continue to fund these projects on a separate basis. Accordingly, both project groups were requested in writing to come together to develop a joint proposal for consideration by my Department. I also arranged for a co-ordinator to work with both groups to assist them in developing a single holistic plan that would address the educational needs of the children at risk in the Ballybeg area. The co-ordinator has now recommended that the educational element of the Ballybeg Community Education Project should be supported through the existing ESLI project in the Waterford area. This recommendation is acceptable to me and this decision has been conveyed to both project groups. I hope both groups will work together to ensure that the educational needs of the children at risk in the Ballybeg area are addressed.