Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 19 Nov 2002

Vol. 557 No. 4

Written Answers. - Flood Relief.

John McGuinness


186 Mr. McGuinness asked the Minister for Finance the steps which will be taken to protect the properties at John's Quay, Kilkenny, that have shifted due to the Nore flood relief scheme and the work being undertaken at this location; the reasons the borough council was not informed of this serious development; if each property owner will now be briefed on the extent of the problem and the actions being taken by the Office of Public Works and contractor; if he will establish a direct reporting procedure between the Office of Public Works and the elected representatives of Kilkenny Borough Council; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22309/02]

The damage to the roadway and properties along John's Quay, Kilkenny, is minor in nature. Monitoring of the properties affected is ongoing and any damage attributable to the scheme will be made good. Liaison with the property owners concerned is also continuing on an ongoing basis. It is stressed that at no time was there a risk to public safety.

The damage to the roadway and properties on John's Quay was brought to the attention of Kilkenny City Council at meetings of the Flood Relief Scheme Steering Committee on 1 and 19 August 2002. The steering committee was established at the commencement of work on the scheme and includes representatives of the principal stakeholders, that is, Kilkenny County Council, Kilkenny City Council, Office of Public Works, Mott MacDonald, Office of Public Works's consulting engineers, the fisheries board and Dúchas, archaeology, flora and fauna, etc. The committee has met on a regular basis, at least once a month and sometimes more often. At each meeting the parties present are updated on progress and areas of concern. Both Kilkenny County Council and Kilkenny City Council are represented on the steering committee by their respective senior engineers and the minutes of each meeting are circulated to both local authorities. I am confident the steering committee provides the most effective methodology for exchange of information and reporting on the progress of the scheme.
