Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 19 Nov 2002

Vol. 557 No. 4

Written Answers. - National Development Plan.

Denis Naughten


196 Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Finance the cost of the recent advertising features in the national newspapers on the national development plan, including design and layout costs and so on; the number of such advertising campaigns which have been run since the plan was published; the cost of each campaign; the number of such campaigns which are proposed during the term of the plan; the projected cost; the number and cost of other publicity campaigns run to date; the future plans and costs; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22698/02]

The national development plan included a clear commitment to devise and implement a communications strategy to raise public awareness of the economic and social benefits of the planned investment priorities. The dissemination of information on NDP investment is also part of the agreed provisions of the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness and is required under EU Regulation 1159/2000 which sets down the requirements on information and publicity actions for EU Structural Funds. These require that information and publicity on projects and programmes of interest to potential beneficiaries should reach the economic and social partners, organisations promoting equal opportunities for men and women and non-governmental organisations. Expenditure on publicity and information is eligible for co-financing under EU regulations. The NDP information unit co-ordinates periodic information and publicity campaigns in national and local media providing details of projects, programmes, case studies and contact points for further information. Awareness research conducted and published by the NDP information unit earlier this year, a copy of which was placed in the Library, clearly indicates that people are interested in finding out about actions under the NDP and that national media and local radio are a preferred mechanism for receipt of this information.

Recent national supplements and advertorials in The Star, Irish Independent, Sunday Independent, Evening Herald, Sunday World and Irish Examiner on the NDP cost approximately €86,900, although final invoices have yet to be submitted. In addition, an advertorial was undertaken in the Public Sector Times costing €2,000. A three phased regional advertising campaign on the NDP in local press and radio is ongoing. Phase one and two were undertaken in June and September-October 2002 at a cost of €237,885. Phase three will commence in January 2003 and cost approximately €130,000.

In 2001 the NDP information unit undertook and supported through individual advertisements a number of supplements-advertorials in the national media at a cost of €95,977.66. Publications involved included Sunday World, The Irish Times, The Sunday Tribune, Irish Construction Industry and Inside Business. In addition to the NDP/CSF, information office publicity activities related to the NDP are undertaken by the various implementing bodies as required to ensure the successful implementation of measures under the NDP. Details of the cost of these initiatives are not available in my Department.
