Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 19 Nov 2002

Vol. 557 No. 4

Written Answers. - Schools Building Projects.

Noel Grealish


217 Mr. Grealish asked the Minister for Education and Science the status regarding the provision of a new school for Briarhill national school, Briarhill, Galway. [22267/02]

Architectural planning for a building project at Briarhill national school, Galway is at an early stage. Decisions on projects proceeding to tender and construction in 2003 will be taken in the light of the allocations for primary school buildings in the 2003 Estimates. I will announce my expenditure proposals for school buildings in the new year. It is not possible at this point to say when construction will commence.

Noel Grealish


218 Mr. Grealish asked the Minister for Education and Science the status regarding the provision of a new school for Cregmore national school, Cregmore, Claregalway, County Galway. [22268/02]

Architectural planning for a building project at Cregmore national school, Cregmore, Claregalway, County Galway, is at early stage. It is not possible at this point to give any indication as to when construction will commence.

Noel Grealish


219 Mr. Grealish asked the Minister for Education and Science the status regarding the provision of a new school for Calasanctius college, Oranmore, County Galway. [22269/02]

A preliminary tender report in respect of proposed works at Calasanctius college is being examined within my Department. When this analysis is completed, my officials will be in contact with the school's management authority.
