Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 12 Feb 2003

Vol. 561 No. 2

Written Answers. - Housing Aid for the Elderly.

Seán Crowe


323 Mr. Crowe asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government the amount of money which has been allocated to assist elderly people who have to carry out repairs on their homes; the number of homes which have been repaired under this scheme; the types of repairs that qualify for the fund; the terms and conditions of the fund; and the number of homes which have availed of it in the Dublin south-west area. [3811/03]

I assume that the question refers to the special housing aid for the elderly scheme, which is administered by a task force under the aegis of my Department and is operated on the ground by the health boards. Funding for the scheme is provided through the national lottery, with €10.993 million allocated in 2001, €11.903 million in 2002 and €11.536 million available this year. The type of work undertaken would typically be the repairs necessary to make a dwelling habitable for the lifetime of an elderly person living alone in unfit or unsanitary conditions, and would include such works as repairs to chimney or fireplace, repair or replacement of external doors and windows, minor roof repairs, damp-proofing of rooms and provision of heating appliances. A total of 5,237 cases were dealt with in 2001 and 2,527 to 30 June 2002, the latest date for which figures are available. Specific information in relation to activity in the Dublin South-West area is not available in my Department.
