Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 18 Feb 2003

Vol. 561 No. 4

Written Answers. - Swimming Pool Projects.

Dinny McGinley


334 Mr. McGinley asked the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if he has funding in place to complete the planned sports complex in Letterkenny; and the date on which he expects the complex to be finished. [4549/03]

Overall responsibility for the provision of the proposed sports complex, including a swimming pool, and for ensuring the required funding package is in place rests with the Letterkenny Urban District Council. Under the sports capital programme operated by my Department, a grant of €2,539,476 was allocated to the project to Letterkenny Urban District Council in respect of the provision of a sports complex in Letterkenny. To date €378,910 has been paid in respect of enabling works at the site and further invoices received from Letterkenny Urban District Council in respect of enabling works have been referred to my Department's technical advisors for examination and certification.

Under the local authority swimming pool programme administered by my Department, grants of up to €3,809,214 are available towards both the refurbishment of existing pools and the provision of new pools, subject in both cases to the total grant not exceeding 80% of the eligible cost of the project or, in the case of projects located in designated disadvantaged areas, 90% of the eligible cost. Support is available towards the cost of the swimming pool, toddler pool, sauna and steam room.

There are four stages in a swimming pool project following the submission of a feasibility study. These, in order of progress, are: preliminary report; contract documents; tender and construction. My Department's technical advisors, the Office of Public Works (OPW), evaluate each stage and local authorities cannot proceed to the next stage of a project unless prior approval issues from my Department. Grant-aid is allocated only when tenders have been approved for the project and will be capped at the time of allocation.
The preliminary report submitted by Letterkenny Town Council in respect of the Letterkenny swimming pool project is currently being assessed by the Office of Public Works. The proposal will be considered further on completion of this assessment. It is understood that the overall cost of the project is estimated at €13.436 million, that the enabling works have been completed for the project and that the main contract will take sixteen months to complete from commencement date.