Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 27 Feb 2003

Vol. 562 No. 3

Written Answers - Schools Building Projects.

Eamon Ryan


20 Mr. Eamon Ryan asked the Minister for Education and Science the assistance his Department intends to provide to Griffeen Valley Educate Together national school to ensure that it is able to operate in September 2003 in view of the expansion of classes and the lack of space at the current temporary scout's den site. [5885/03]

Paul Nicholas Gogarty


48 Mr. Gogarty asked the Minister for Education and Science if his Department will provide the necessary guarantees to the management of Griffeen Valley Educate Together school and parents regarding provision of funding to purchase or lease the designated primary school site currently in the ownership of Castlethorn. [5881/03]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 20 and 48 together.

Griffeen Valley Educate Together national school opened in September 2002 with provisional recognition from my Department. The school is currently housed in rented accommodation in the scout den in Lucan village. During the period of provisional recognition, it is the responsibility of the school patron to provide interim accommodation. This accommodation must be capable of meeting the needs of the developing school until permanent recognition has been secured and my Department is in a position to acquire a site and provide a permanent school building. Interim accommodation must comply at all times with planning, fire and health and safety and building regulations.
In view of the restricted capacity of the scout den – maximum capacity 30, the promoters were advised to develop and implement an enrolment policy in line with the capacity of the available accommodation. This approach was essential to ensure that there was no overcrowding that might create a health and safety problem for pupils and school staff.
The board of management of the school has made a proposal to my Department to lease the site which has been reserved in the Griffeen Valley area for primary education purposes, from the owners, and to house the school in temporary accommodation on the site. This proposal is currently under consideration in my Department and as part of the process, the property management section of the Office of Public Works has been asked to carry out a rental valuation on the site. On receipt of the advice of the Office of Public Works, my Department will consider the matter further and will be seeking a value for money solution in light of current budgetary constraints. A decision will be conveyed to the school management authorities as soon as possible.