Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 27 Feb 2003

Vol. 562 No. 3

Written Answers - Departmental Organisation.

Willie Penrose


77 Deputy Penrose asked the Minister for Education and Science the main features of the recently announced organisational changes within his Department; the role of the new standing committees; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [5838/03]

The Deputy will be aware that, following the report by Mr. Sean Cromien on my Department's organisation, systems and staffing, a major programme of structural reform was commenced. There are a number of elements to this programme: the putting in place of a state examinations commission and a national council for special education and the transfer of the responsibility for the institutes of technology to the Higher Education Authority; the putting in place of a network of regional offices of the Department; new appeal processes to underpin the Department's allocation functions; a range of efficiency measures designed to bring the Department's procedures and processes more into line with modern administrative practice; and revised internal structures to enable overarching or cross sectoral issues to be better addressed.

The recent changes of responsibility at senior management level within the Department represent a conscious effort to increase mobility and experience. As part of the process, a number of key areas previously dealt with on a purely sectoral basis, such as salaries, curriculum and assessment, have been grouped on a functional or thematic basis. Finally, the standing committee concept represents a new approach to better deal with overarching areas and to provide the Department with a better policy and forward planning focus.