Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 13 May 2003

Vol. 566 No. 3

Written Answers. - Foreign Registered Vessels.

Thomas P. Broughan


289 Mr. Broughan asked the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources if he will make a statement on the poor work conditions and wage rates of employees of a company (details supplied); and if his attention has been drawn to the fact that an agreement phasing in proper seafarers' rates over four years, negotiated by the International Transport Workers Federation and SIPTU, has not been implemented by this company, which agreement took account of the economic condition and importance of the company to the Cork region. [13006/03]

As Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, I have no statutory function in relation to seafarers' wages. The ship operated by the company referred to by the Deputy is not registered on the Irish Ship Register. Obligations on the ship's owners regarding maintenance, crewing standards and certification of those matters are appropriate to the flag state operating the ship's register, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Foreign registered vessels using Irish ports are inspected regularly by the marine survey office of my Department in the exercise of Ireland's port state control obligations. These inspections are aimed at ensuring that such vessels are maintained and operated in compliance with international safety standards laid down by the International Maritime Organisation, IMO, and, in relation to seafarers' social conditions, by the International Labour Organisation's, ILO, maritime conventions, together with relevant EU initiatives in the maritime area. Deficiencies identified are brought to the attention of the owner and flag state administration and may have to be rectified before the ship continues its journey.

My Department completed a strategic and operational review of maritime safety regulatory services in October 2000 and its recommendations are now being implemented. A maritime safety directorate was established in February 2002 and an additional nine vessel surveyors were recruited to the marine survey office, which is an integral part of the new directorate. Inspections of foreign ships, under the Directive 95/21/EC on port state control, have increased from 14.6% in 2000 and 21% in 2001 to 30% in 2002.
Ireland participates in IMO and ILO discussions on seafarers' welfare, supporting proposals aimed at improving their terms and conditions of employment. Ireland will continue to support efforts in all appropriate fora to enhance working conditions for seafarers and will continue to enforce safety and operational standards through the port state control framework.