Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 20 May 2003

Vol. 567 No. 1

Written Answers. - Departmental Restructuring.

Finian McGrath


290 Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for Health and Children if he will provide a copy of the report on the restructuring of his Department; and if he will give an update on its implementation. [13351/03]

A number of reports are being formulated in respect of reform of the health system. The first of these relates to action 114 of the health strategy, which dealt with the need to support organisation development, clarify roles and co-ordinate the work of different organisations. Prospectus Strategy Consultants were contracted in June 2002 to complete an audit of structures and functions of the health system. The terms of reference included consideration of the structures and functions of health boards and authorities and other specialist, advisory, regulatory and executive agencies under my aegis. The terms of reference also required Prospectus to make recommendations to improve corporate governance arrangements in the health system generally. This was to include consideration of interactions between all agencies who play a pivotal role in the system, including the Department of Health and Children.

A second report relevant to the question is that prepared by the Commission on Financial Management and Control Systems in the Health System, which was undertaken on behalf of my colleague, the Minister for Finance. The commission carried out a detailed examination and review of the financial management and control systems in the Irish health service. While the principle remit related to matters of financial management, the analysis and conclusions of the commission necessarily drew it into the area of the organisation and configuration of the health service more generally.

The recommendations in these reports are likely to have implications for the future structure of my Department. My colleague, the Minister for Finance, has recently received the report of the Commission on Financial Management and Controls in the Health Service and is now considering its contents. A final draft of the Prospectus report has been received by the steering group overseeing the project. I anticipate that this report will be submitted to me shortly and I hope, together with the Minister, Deputy McCreevy, to bring this and the report of the Commission on Financial Management and Controls in the Health Service to Government in due course. When decisions have been made by the Government, I anticipate that the reports will be published in full and made available generally.
