Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 24 Jun 2003

Vol. 569 No. 3

Written Answers. - Hospital Services.

Bernard J. Durkan


138 Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Health and Children the way in which it can be suggested that accident and emergency and general surgical wards could be closed while consideration is being given to treating patients in a car park; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17648/03]

I presume the Deputy is referring to recent media reports concerning the accident and emergency department at the Mater Hospital. As he is aware, the Eastern Regional Health Authority is charged with responsibility for commissioning health and personal social services on behalf of the population of the region and also on behalf of those outside the region who are referred for specialist treatment.

Possible measures to deal with overcrowding in the Mater accident and emergency department were outlined in a submission from the hospital to the ERHA. However, the authority has made it clear that those measures are not appropriate and has been assured by the hospital's chief executive that there is no question that patients attending the accident and emergency department will be treated anywhere other than in the department itself. In October 2002, I approved a capital grant of €1.355 million for the upgrading of the accident and emergency department at the Mater. This project, which includes the provision of additional resuscitation cubicles, the development of a chest pain assessment unit, and the establishment of a minor injury unit, will significantly improve facilities in the department and will also have knock-on benefits in relieving bed capacity pressure at the hospital. Work on the refurbishment project has now commenced.
