Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 1 Jul 2003

Vol. 570 No. 2

Written Answers. - Computerisation Programme.

M. J. Nolan


191 Mr. Nolan asked the Minister for Defence the amount spent by his Department on upgrading its IT systems in 2002; and the projected investment in these facilities for 2003. [18418/03]

Expenditure by my Department on upgrading IT systems is as follows:

Actual Expenditure for 2002

Departmental: Total expenditure on IT was €1.4 million, of which approximately €620,000 was for upgrading of systems and infrastructure, the balance being allocated to technical support and maintenance, office equipment, stationery and printing and consumables.

Defence Forces: Total expenditure on IT was €9.3 million, of which approximately €900,000 was for upgrading of systems and infrastructure, the balance being allocated to major developments in signals and telecommunications, including encryption and protection, systems support and maintenance, consumables, Defence Forces printing press and workshop equipment.

Projected expenditure for 2003

Based on the revised Estimates for the Department, the total figures for IT expenditure in 2003 are projected as follows:

Departmental: €1.793 million of which upgrading is estimated at €640,000.
Defence Forces: €9.44 million, of which upgrading is estimated at €1.2 million, with other category allocations on a similarpro rata basis as in 2002.
The Estimates for 2003 have been increased by €500,000 each for the military and civilian subheads as a special provision for the introduction of the management information framework.