Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 1 Jul 2003

Vol. 570 No. 2

Written Answers. - Alternative Energy Projects.

Simon Coveney


341 Mr. Coveney asked the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources if he will be proceeding with the setting up of a consultancy forum on renewable energy and post AER VI strategy; and if so, when. [18674/03]

I have stated publicly on a number of occasions that my immediate priority is to conclude AER VI in order to deliver the current target to add 500 megawatts of new, renewable and energy-based capacity to the network by 2005. The closing date for receipt of tenders was 24 April last and the Department is currently assessing the applications received. Shortly after that process concludes and the results are announced, I will launch a public consultation document to discuss future targets and support measures for renewable energy technologies to 2010 and beyond. Policy decisions will be made after careful consideration of all responses received during the public consultation phase.
