Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 1 Jul 2003

Vol. 570 No. 2

Written Answers. - Health and Safety Report.

Liz McManus


85 Ms McManus asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if she will make a statement on the recently published Health and Safety Authority annual report for 2002. [18458/03]

I welcome the Health and Safety Authority's annual report for 2002. This report is a well presented record of the work undertaken by the authority during 2002 and provides an opportunity to focus on the specific achievements of the authority and the general advancements being made to improve health and safety standards in all workplaces.

The reports shows that 61 persons died from workplace injuries in 2002 and an estimated 26,200 persons suffered work related injuries requiring their absence from work for more than three days. Despite an overall downward trend in the rate of workplace accidents and fatalities such figures serve to remind us that the effort to improve work standards and work practices must be a continuous one.

While I am pleased that the authority carried out more inspections and investigations than planned in 2002, I welcome also the fact that a substantial number of cases were taken on summary prosecution to the District Court resulting in 70 convictions and that a number of other cases were taken on indictment to the Circuit Court also resulting in convictions. In a further ten cases jurisdiction was refused by the District Court for service of the book of evidence with a view to these cases being taken on indictment. The taking of cases on indictment and the resultant publicity from the imposition of higher penalties when cases are taken to a higher court contributes greatly to an increase in safety awareness among business practitioners.

I would like to take this opportunity to commend the work of the board, management and staff of the authority throughout the year.
