Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 1 Jul 2003

Vol. 570 No. 2

Written Answers. - Enterprise Promotion Strategies.

Paul Nicholas Gogarty


114 Mr. Gogarty asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if she is considering a review of the existing situation whereby the Shannon and mid-west area is outside the remit of agencies such as Enterprise Ireland; and her views on whether the enterprise promotion strategies should be carried out on a common basis throughout the country. [18592/03]

As the Deputy is aware, Shannon Development was established as a regional development agency in 1959. Over the years, its remit has evolved to include a unique mixture of both industrial development and tourism development. Its geographical area of responsibility covers the mid-west region, particularly the counties of Clare and Limerick, as well as parts of counties Offaly, Tipperary and north Kerry.

In so far as my area of responsibility – enterprise policy – is concerned, Shannon Development has exclusive statutory responsibility for enterprise development in the area known as the Shannon free zone, a clearly defined area which is set out in the Shannon Free Airport Development Company Limited Acts. No other agency operates in this zone.

In the area of attracting foreign direct investment for the remainder of the mid-west region, IDA Ireland has sole responsibility. Shannon Development does not have a role in this context. The policy adopted by IDA Ireland in the mid-west region mirrors its operations throughout the rest of the country, thus ensuring a common basis for attraction of FDI.

As regards development of indigenous enterprise development for the remainder of the mid-west region, Shannon Development acts as agent for Enterprise Ireland under delegated powers from the latter. This is carried out on the basis of the policy applying to Enterprise Ireland's operations throughout the rest of the country where it operates. Thus, there is a common basis for the development of indigenous enterprise.
The delivery of enterprise support policies by the various agencies under my area of responsibility is constantly under review by my Department to ensure that there is an efficient and effective delivery of those services in terms of value for money.