Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 8 Oct 2003

Vol. 572 No. 1

Written Answers. - Special Educational Needs.

John Cregan


132 Mr. Cregan asked the Minister for Education and Science the position regarding continuing developments and discussions with Rosmini school for the visually impaired as regards the establishment of a centre of excellence for the visually impaired; the steps being taken to establish a centre of excellence for visually impaired girls; if it is intended to include the needs of both sexes in the Rosmini project; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22474/03]

Arising from the report of a planning group, which was established to consider proposals for the development of a national centre for the visually impaired, my Department engaged a project team to consider an overall development strategy for the implementation of the planning group's report. The report of the project team was presented to my Department towards the end of 2002.

Having given careful consideration to the matter, I decided in April 2003 that the national centre as proposed should not proceed, having regard to the low and declining pupil numbers in the schools for the visually impaired and the development costs, estimated to be in excess of €30 million. However, my Department is willing to explore with the school authorities concerned how aspects of the proposed centre could be developed, in the context of available resources. The patron and trustees of both St. Joseph's special school and Pobalscoil Rosmini in Drumcondra, which make educational provision for the visually impaired, have been advised accordingly.
On 28 August last, following a successful appeal under the Education Act by the parents of a girl refused a place in the school, the board of management of St. Joseph's decided that the school should become co-educational with immediate effect. In order to facilitate this development, the school has applied to my Department for certain additional resources. Some resources have been provided and further consideration is being given to the application.
The question of Pobalscoil Rosmini also becoming co-educational has arisen and the board of management of the school has sought certain additional resources to enable this to happen. Again, this request is under consideration in my Department at present. Responses to both requests for additional resources will be provided at the earliest possible date.