Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 21 Oct 2003

Vol. 572 No. 6

Written Answers. - Water and Sewerage Schemes.

Tom Hayes


365 Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for the Environment Heritage and Local Government when funding will be made available to South Tipperary County Council for the installation of a new sewerage scheme at Clogheen, County Tipperary. [23872/03]

This proposal is an element of the south Tipperary grouped wastewater treatment scheme, which also includes a number of other towns and villages in the county, and has been approved for construction under my Department's water services investment programme 2003-05. I approved South Tipperary County Council's tender recommendation for the scheme in December 2002 and it is now a matter for the council to arrange for the commencement of work at the locations concerned.

John Perry


366 Mr. Perry asked the Minister for the Environment Heritage and Local Government if his attention has been drawn to the fact that only 40% of funding will be provided by his Department on the condition that Sligo County Council will recover the remaining 60% from the beneficiaries for the Tubbercurry sewerage scheme County Sligo extension along the Ballina Road in the serviced land initiative programme, which he approved for inclusion in 2002; if his attention has further been drawn to the fact that the connection tariff sought is ?5,000 per household connection; if the extension of Tubbercurry sewerage scheme along the Ballina road can be included under the upgrade in his Department's water services investment programme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [23902/03]

The upgrading of the Tubbercurry wastewater treatment plant and the extension of the sewage collection system along the Ballina road have been approved for funding under the serviced land initiative element of my Department's water services investment programme in accordance with the proposals submitted by Sligo County Council. A total of 40% of the approved cost of water services for new residential development sites is recoupable by local authorities from my Department under this initiative. The financial terms for connection to public water supplies are a matter for determination by the local authority concerned.
