Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 21 Oct 2003

Vol. 572 No. 6

Written Answers. - Community Development.

Pádraic McCormack


153 Mr. McCormack asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the decision-making and financial control systems which have been put in place in his Department, as promised in his Department's statement of strategy 2003-05, to enable a better structure to review the financial and audit requirements of community development schemes. [24157/03]

The review of financial and audit requirements to which the Deputy refers is one of the outputs specified in my Department's statement of strategy 2003-05. This underpins a strategic approach to achieving greater coherence across the range of structures, processes and schemes supporting local and community development. Effective decision making and proper financial control are critical to advancing this agenda.

The first phase of the review which is scheduled for completion this autumn, has involved a survey by my Department's corporate development division of the criteria and processes used across the range of schemes operated by my Department, including schemes supporting the local and community development sector. The purpose of this review has been not only to determine convergences and differences in managing schemes and programmes, but also to identify possible models of best practice. This review has been largely completed. It will feed into a number of wider processes with a view to providing best practice templates appropriate to the diverse programmes operated or funded by my Department.

Since early this year my Department has strengthened its financial management control through more frequent reporting and regular reviews of expenditure within and across the schemes and programmes funded. In addition, an evaluation is currently under way of the internal financial controls of my Department in line with the recommendations of the working group on the accountability of Secretaries General and Accounting Officers. My Department is also advancing a management information framework project in line with the strategic management initiative in the public service. This will involve the installation of a new financial management system to facilitate better financial and general management across the Department. A contract for the installation is likely to be placed in the coming weeks. Progress will be in phases, with full completion due in November 2004.

To deepen the ethos of financial control and value for money, a systems audit of the community development support programme is getting under way. A review of expenditure on the local drugs task forces is also due to commence in the coming months. In the light of progress to date I believe that the work under way will lead to improved practices across the Department and deliver on the agenda for change as set out in the strategy statement.
