Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 11 Nov 2003

Vol. 574 No. 1

Written Answers. - London Homeless Centre.

Finian McGrath


257 Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will review the plight of the Cricklewood Homeless Concern Centre in London; and if there are funds available to assist this project. [26050/03]

As the Deputy is aware, the Cricklewood Homeless Concern Centre has negotiated with the Diocese of Westminster to purchase a property at 60 Ashford Road for a price in excess of £700,000. Repairs and modernisation of the building are estimated to cost a further £1 million. The centre has already raised £251,000 and, with the assistance of the diocese, has received bank approval for a loan of £500,000 at a favourable interest rate to enable them to purchase the property.

The centre's business plan for the period 2002-07 expresses confidence that sources of funding for the balance of the project will be identified through a fundraising campaign.

The purchase of the building is scheduled to be completed by March 2004. However, I am informed that, if the Cricklewood Homeless Concern Centre is unable to purchase the property by that time, they have been told by the diocese that they will be able to remain in the property as tenants having entered into a formal lease.
The Cricklewood Homeless Concern Centre has been supported by the DÍON committee since at least 1989. However, building projects and the provision of accommodation are outside the DÍON criteria for funding, and the Cricklewood Homeless Concern Centre has not directly approached the DÍON committee to seek funding for this project.
Nevertheless, the Irish ambassador in London met a representative of the company which is spearheading the Cricklewood Homeless Concern Centre fundraising efforts last month and indicated that he would be happy to support the centre's efforts to raise funds. Following further contact with the company on 4 November, I understand that an event will be organised in January 2004.