Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 16 Dec 2003

Vol. 577 No. 3

Written Answers. - Services for People with Disabilities.

David Stanton


451 Mr. Stanton asked the Minister for Health and Children further to Question No. 360 of 9 December 2003, the way in which the additional ?50 million, which was allocated to services for people with disabilities in July 2003, was divided and distributed; the extra services that resulted; the way in which the ?15 million additional revenue funding was allocated for services for people with intellectual disability or autism; the number of extra emergency residential places during 2003 that were provided as indicated in his reply; the number of day service places for young adults who had just left school which were provided; the details of the enhancement of the health related support services for children that he has indicated were made; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [31102/03]

The €50 million funding provided by the Government earlier this year was distributed as follows: €15 million additional revenue and €15 million capital was allocated for services to persons with intellectual disability or autism and €5 million additional revenue and €15 million capital was allocated to services for persons with a physical or sensory disability.

The €30 million capital funding will have allowed the authority and the health boards to address such areas as the backlog of maintenance, refurbishment, re-equipping, replacement of vehicles used within the services and works related to fire precautions and health and safety issues.
The provision of funding for these minor capital works will, when completed, help to upgrade many existing facilities. In the case of services to people with intellectual disability or autism, specific provision is being made for a number of services, including St. Joseph's Services, St. Ita's, Portrane, St. Raphael's, Youghal, Grove House, Cork, St. Senan's, Wexford, and St. Brigid's, Ballinasloe.
The €15 million additional revenue funding was made available to services to persons with intellectual disability and those with autism to meet costs associated with emergency residential placements during 2003, the provision of day services for young adults who had just left school and some enhancement of the health related support services for children.
The €5 million additional revenue funding was made available for services for people with physical or sensory disabilities to meet service pressures as identified by the Eastern Regional Health Authority and the health boards in consultation with other relevant agencies.
My Department has asked the authority and the boards for the specific information requested by the Deputy and when it becomes available it will forwarded to the Deputy.
Question No. 452 answered with Question No. 403.