Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 16 Dec 2003

Vol. 577 No. 3

Written Answers. - School Curriculum.

Denis Naughten


119 Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Education and Science the action he intends to take to address the uptake of science in second level schools; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [30679/03]

Bernard J. Durkan


356 Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Science the extent to which he proposes to encourage particular subjects at second level to ensure the availability of adequate graduates to meet requirements in the areas of engineering, medicine and the sciences in general; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [31362/03]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 119 and 356 together.

A number of important steps have been taken to encourage increased take up by students of the sciences. In particular, important progress has been made in regard to curricular reform and inservice training support for teachers, with new syllabuses already implemented in leaving certificate biology, physics and chemistry. At primary level, a new syllabus in science was introduced in September 2003. A revised syllabus in junior certificate science was introduced on an optional basis in September 2003. More than 600 schools have indicated that they are introducing the revised syllabus. Work is under way on a new leaving certificate physical sciences syllabus to replace the existing physics and chemistry combined syllabus.

All of these developments are being or have been supported by national inservice programmes for teachers. A total of three days inservice was provided for all primary teachers to support the implementation of the primary science programme, supported by a national team of 24 trainers. Some 1700 second level biology teachers, 900 chemistry teachers and 1000 physics teachers received inservice for the leaving certificate revised syllabuses, and a national programme is now being implemented for the revised junior certificate science syllabus.

Significant additional resources have been provided, including substantial grants to primary schools in 1999, 2001 and 2002 at a cost of €10.376 million over three years. At second level there was an additional per capita grant for physics and chemistry at leaving certificate and a capital grants programme for senior cycle science ICT and science equipment. I recently announced a once-off grant scheme, likely to cost in the order of €12 million to support the implementation of the new junior certificate science syllabus.

The following initiatives are designed to impact positively on science uptake: an ICT integration projects in teaching and learning under the schools IT initiative, and a new scope initiative in partnership with RTE, NCCA and the National Centre for Technology in Education; provision of materials and publications to schools to promote the attractiveness and relevance of science for students as a subject option and career path; reviews on mathematics, grading of subjects in the leaving certificate, gender equity issues in science, and initial reports on teacher training have been undertaken; awareness measures supported by industry and third level colleges linking with schools; foundation, bridging and progression measures to promote access to third level education; quality assurance initiatives in third level, including the sciences and the development of a national framework of qualifications by the National Qualifications Authority as an important step in developments to improve access, promote flexible assessment and accreditation processes, and enhance mobility across the further and higher education and training sectors.
This work continues to be progressed and enhanced as resources permit in collaboration and consultation with the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Forfás and industry. My Department is fully committed to strengthening the quality of science teaching and learning, promoting increased scientific literacy and encouraging more students to choose science subjects at senior cycle and progress to third level options in this critical area as a vitally important part of the national strategy to support competitiveness and employment.
While the effect of these measures may only be felt in the longer term, there are already some signs of improvement in the numbers taking sciences. At leaving certificate level there are three main science subjects, namely, biology, chemistry and physics. Biology remains a popular subject with 40.3% of the cohort sitting the examination in June 2003, an increase from 39.8% in 2002. The uptake of physics and chemistry has been a cause of concern for some time. The decline in uptake of these subjects started in the 1980s and continued until recently. However, there has been a reversal of the trend in 2002. In the leaving certificate examination in June 2002, 15.6% of the cohort took physics – up from 14.1% in 2000 – and 11.7% took chemistry – up from 11.1% in 1999. In 2003, 15.7% took physics and 11.9% took chemistry.
At junior certificate level there is one science subject and the uptake of this subject has been consistently high; 85.7% of the cohort took it in 2003. The STEPS programme provides for awareness initiatives to encourage the take up of engineering as a career, and provides information for students, and seminars for guidance counsellors and teaching staff, development projects, specific initiatives to encourage girls to choose engineering, roadshows, and school-industry links initiatives. The STEPS programme has now been incorporated into the discover science and engineering programme managed by Forfás with funding of €1.5 million in 2004 provided from the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment.
Other initiatives are also under way between third level colleges linked with schools, such as the DCU science bus, the Blancharstown Institute of Technology science centre and the Waterford Institute of Technology chamber of challenges.
Question No. 120 answered with Question No. 61.
Question No. 121 answered with Question No. 64.