Clár ábhair
Céad, 28 Feabh 2007
- Prelude
- Leaders’ Questions.
- Ceisteanna — Questions.
- Visit of Czech Delegation.
- Ceisteanna — Questions (Resumed).
- Requests to Move Adjournment of Dáil under Standing Order 31.
- Order of Business.
- Statute Law Revision Bill 2007 [Seanad]: Second Stage.
- Statute Law Revision Bill 2007 [Seanad]: Referral to Select Committee.
- Carbon Fund Bill 2006: Second Stage (Resumed).
- Ceisteanna — Questions (Resumed).
- Priority Questions.
- Other Questions.
- Adjournment Debate Matters.
- Messages from Select Committees.
- Carbon Fund Bill 2006: Second Stage (Resumed).
- Carbon Fund Bill 2006: Referral to Select Committee.
- Consumer Protection Bill 2007 [Seanad]: Second Stage.
- Private Members’ Business.
- Consumer Protection Bill 2007 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed).
- Consumer Protection Bill 2007 [Seanad]: Referral to Select Committee.
- Adjournment Debate.
Written Answers.
- Irish Language.
- Community Development.
- National Drugs Strategy.
- Rural Social Scheme.
- National Drugs Strategy.
- Drug Treatment Programme.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- Community Development.
- Drug Seizures.
- Drug Treatment Programme.
- Suicide Prevention.
- Legislative Programme.
- National Development Plan.
- Irish Language.
- Post Office Network.
- Straitéis na Gaeilge.
- Community Development.
- Departmental Programmes.
- Drug Treatment Programme.
- Departmental Funding.
- Security of the Elderly.
- Teanga Gaeilge.
- Legislative Programme.
- National Drugs Strategy.
- Irish Language.
- National Drugs Strategy.
- Community Development.
- Teanga Gaeilge.
- Dormant Accounts Fund.
- Offshore Islands.
- Rural Development.
- Cumhachtaí Údarás na Gaeltachta.
- Inland Waterways.
- Harbours and Piers.
- Irish Language.
- Educational Disadvantage.
- National Drugs Strategy.
- Aistritheoirí Béarla-Gaeilge.
- Asylum Applications.
- Immigration Registration Certificates.
- Garda Deployment.
- Official Engagements.
- Work Permits.
- Visa Applications.
- Garda Investigations.
- Animal Welfare.
- Liquor Licensing Laws.
- Legislative Programme.
- Immigration Matters.
- Immigration Registration Certificates.
- Commissions of Investigation.
- Garda Deployment.
- Garda Investigations.
- Asylum Applications.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- Garda Equipment.
- Garda Strength.
- Citizenship Applications.
- Crime Levels.
- Tax Code.
- Tax Yield.
- Flood Relief.
- Garda Stations.
- Public Service Recruitment.
- Disabled Drivers.
- Hospital Waiting Lists.
- Hospital Services.
- Services for People with Disabilities.
- Hospitals Building Programme.
- Nursing Home Subventions.
- Drugs Payment Scheme.
- Hospital Waiting Lists.
- Drugs Payment Scheme.
- Cancer Screening Programme.
- Health Services.
- Drugs Payment Scheme.
- Health Services.
- Hospital Accommodation.
- Child Care Services.
- College of Podiatry.
- Health Services.
- Communications Masts.
- Compensation Redress Scheme.
- Post Office Network.
- International Terrorism.
- Sports Capital Programme.
- International Trade.
- EU Directives.
- Employment Rights.
- Company Takeovers.
- Adult Education.
- Community Employment Schemes.
- Departmental Staff.
- Social Welfare Benefits.
- Departmental Agencies.
- Road Signage.
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
- Airport Development Projects.
- Road Signage.
- Railway Rolling Stock.
- Support for Older People.
- Community Support Grants.
- Support for Older People.
- Grant Payments.
- Rural Transport.
- Community Development.
- Departmental Expenditure.
- Community Development.
- Rural Resettlement Scheme.
- Dormant Accounts Fund.
- Departmental Expenditure.
- EU Directives.
- Grant Payments.
- Farm Waste Management.
- Farm Inspections.
- School Enrolments.
- School Transport.
- Physical Education Facilities.
- Primary School Sports Initiative.
- School Accommodation.
- Special Educational Needs.
- School Grants.
- School Staffing.
- Site Acquisitions.
- Adult Education.
- Pupil-Teacher Ratio.
- Higher Education Grants.
- Air Services.
- Farm Waste Management.
- Local Authority Housing.
- Home Improvement Grants.
- Planning Issues.
- State Airports.
- Water and Sewerage Schemes.
- Special Areas of Conservation.
- Waste Disposal.
- Fire Stations.
- Regional Development.
- Water and Sewerage Schemes.
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions.