Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 14 Sep 2011

Vol. 740 No. 1

Statement for Information of Voters: Motion


GO ndéanfar an ráiteas a leagtar amach sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Rún seo a fhorordú mar fhaisnéis do vótálaithe de bhun alt 23 d'Acht an Reifrinn, 1994 (Uimh. 12 de 1994), i ndáil leis an togra chun Airteagal 35 den Bhunreacht a leasú, ar togra é atá sa Bhille um an Naoú Leasú is Fiche ar an mBunreacht (Luach Saothair Breithiúna), 2011 agus atá ina ábhar do reifreann bunreachta.

An Sceideal Schedule

Reifreann a bhaineann le Luach Saothair Breithiúna

Is é atá beartaithe leis an mBille um an Naoú Leasú is Fiche ar an mBunreacht (Luach Saothair Breithiúna), 2011 alt 5 d'Airteagal 35 den Bhunreacht, lena ndéantar socrú nach cead laghdú a dhéanamh ar thuarastal breithimh an fad is bheidh an breitheamh in oifig, a scriosadh agus an t-alt seo a leanas a chur ina ionad:

‘5 1° Ní cead laghdú a dhéanamh ar luach saothair breithiúna an fad is a bheidh siad in oifig ach amháin de réir an ailt seo.

2° Tá luach saothair breithiúna faoi réir gearradh cánacha, tobhach nó muirear eile a ghearrtar le dlí ar dhaoine i gcoitinne nó ar dhaoine a bhaineann le haicme áirithe.

3° Más rud é, roimh an alt seo a achtú ina dhlí nó dá éis sin, go ndearnadh nó go ndéantar laghduithe le dlí ar luach saothair daoine a bhaineann le haicmí daoine a n-íoctar a luach saothair as airgead poiblí agus go luaitear sa dlí sin gur ar mhaithe le leas an phobail na laghduithe sin, féadfar socrú a dhéanamh freisin le dlí chun laghduithe comhréireacha a dhéanamh ar luach saothair breithiúna.'.

MÁ THOILÍONN TÚ leis an togra, cuir X os coinne an fhocail TÁ ar an bpáipéar ballóide.

MURA dTOILÍONN TÚ leis an togra, cuir X os coinne an fhocail NÍL ar an bpáipéar ballóide.

Is féidir cóip den Bhille a iniúchadh nó a fháil saor in aisce in aon Phost-Oifig.

I move:

THAT the statement set out in the Schedule to this Resolution be prescribed for the information of voters pursuant to section 23 of the Referendum Act 1994 (No. 12 of 1994), in relation to the proposal to amend Article 35 of the Constitution which is contained in the Twenty-Ninth Amendment of the Constitution (Judges' Remuneration) Bill 2011 and is the subject of a constitutional referendum.

Referendum relating to Judges' Remuneration

The Twenty-Ninth Amendment of the Constitution (Judges' Remuneration) Bill 2011 proposes to delete section 5 of Article 35 of the Constitution which provides that the remuneration of a judge shall not be reduced during the continuance in office of the judge and to substitute the section here following:

‘5 1° The remuneration of judges shall not be reduced during their continuance in office save in accordance with this section.

2° The remuneration of judges is subject to the imposition of taxes, levies or other charges that are imposed by law on persons generally or persons belonging to a particular class.

3° Where, before or after the enactment into law of this section, reductions have been or are made by law to the remuneration of persons belonging to classes of persons whose remuneration is paid out of public money and such law states that those reductions are in the public interest, provision may also be made by law to make proportionate reductions to the remuneration of judges.'.

IF YOU APPROVE of the proposal, mark X opposite the word YES on the ballot paper.

IF YOU DO NOT APPROVE of the proposal, mark X opposite the word NO on the ballot paper.

A copy of the Bill can be inspected or obtained free of charge at any Post Office."

Cuireadh agus aontaíodh an cheist.

Question put and agreed to.
The Dáil adjourned at 9.15 p.m. until 10.30 a.m. on Thursday, 15 September 2011.