I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 27A and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Joe O'Reilly - the need to give approval for new school buildings in respect of St. Mary's primary school, Virginia, and St. Kilian's national school, Mullagh, County Cavan; (2) Deputy Nicky McFadden - the status of the building project in respect of Coosan national school, County Westmeath; (3) Deputy Ann Phelan - the position in relation to heel-prick data cards; (4) Deputy Dessie Ellis - the effect of cuts in capital funding to the Traveller community, particularly for families in Avila Park, Finglas, Dublin; (5) Deputy Joan Collins - the potential closure of the Seven Oaks preschool facility in lower Ballyfermot, Dublin; (6) Deputy Timmy Dooley - the need for a replacement paediatric neurologist at the Mid-Western Regional Hospital; (7) Deputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh - the potential closure of the Seven Oaks preschool facility in lower Ballyfermot, Dublin; (8) Deputy Dan Neville - the licensing of firearms; (9) Deputy Terence Flanagan - the need for the banks to freeze all mortgages on properties in Priory Hall, Dublin; (10) Deputy Catherine Byrne - the potential closure of the Seven Oaks preschool facility in lower Ballyfermot, Dublin; (11) Deputy Eoghan Murphy - the attempts being made to locate an Irish citizen missing in Rishikesh, India, since February; (12) Deputy Kevin Humphreys - the proposed incinerator at Poolbeg, Dublin, and the regulation of the waste market; (13) Deputy Michael P. Kitt - the provision of adequate funding in respect of various Garda and security issues in North East Galway; (14) Deputy Pearse Doherty - the impact of changes in boundaries for school transport for post-primary students particularly in the Finn Valley area of County Donegal; (15) Deputy Thomas P. Broughan - the proposed changes to the community welfare services in the Darndale Belcamp Village Centre, Dublin 17; (16) Deputy Aodhán Ó Ríordáin - the need to find an appropriate site for the Dublin City central library; (17) Deputy Eamonn Maloney - the need for power of inquiry to be granted to the Oireachtas; (18) Deputy Derek Keating - the report of the Ombudsman for Children calling for a dedicated child protection service; (19) Deputy Tom Hayes - the reason that St. Oliver Plunkett's national school, Clonmel, County Tipperary, a DEIS band 1 school, will lose two legacy posts; (20) Deputy Gerald Nash - the decision by Vodafone to relocate more than 300 contract and directly employed jobs from Vodafone's Dundalk and Dublin facilities to Northern Ireland; (21) Deputy Thomas Pringle - the shortage of one and two-bedroom apartments for rent in rural areas; (22) Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin - the loss of 121 jobs in the 14 Game stores and the need to ensure that the workforce are fairly treated and that all customers with accrued credit are fully reimbursed; (23) Deputy Jonathan O'Brien - the loss of 84 jobs at Waters Glass in Cork; (24) Deputy Mattie McGrath - the use of Kickham Barracks, Clonmel, County Tipperary, as a new Garda station; (25) Deputy Niall Collins - the status of inquires into planning irregularities in six local authorities; (26) Deputy Seamus Kirk - the need to ensure the retention of jobs in Vodafone in Dundalk and Drogheda, County Louth; (27) Deputy James Bannon - the need to review the cut in funding to St. Christopher's services, Longford; and (28) Deputy Billy Kelleher - the implementation of the household charge.
The matters raised by Deputies Dessie Ellis, Dan Neville, Michael P. Kitt and Tom Hayes have been selected for discussion.