Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 10 Oct 2013

Vol. 816 No. 3

Topical Issue Matters

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 27A and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Paudie Coffey - the challenges facing the manufacturing sector here highlighted by the 74 jobs losses in Honeywell, Waterford; (2) Deputy Maureen O'Sullivan - the accommodation needs of those in recovery from addiction; (3) Deputy Lucinda Creighton - that Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann be given an enhanced role in the scrutiny of EU legislation and policy; (4) Deputy Paul J. Connaughton - the need for an urgent review of the decision to close the 22 bed acute unit at St. Brigid's Hospital, Ballinasloe, County Galway; (5) Deputy Shane Ross - the position regarding step-parent adoption; (6) Deputy Michael Moynihan - the need to discuss the introduction of post codes; (7) Deputy Brendan Smith - measures taken to progress the peace process in light of renewed violence in Northern Ireland; (8) Deputy Clare Daly - the insecurity in Libya following the abduction of Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan; (9) Deputy Mick Wallace - the insecurity in Libya following the abduction of Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan; (10) Deputy Eamonn Maloney - the need to ensure education in mental health well-being for the pre-teen and youth population; and (11) Deputy Kevin Humphreys - the need to make FlexiSEQ gel, a treatment for osteoarthritis, available to those on the medical card scheme.

The matters raised by Deputies Eamonn Maloney, Shane Ross, Brendan Smith and Paudie Coffey have been selected for discussion.
