Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 18 Dec 2013

Vol. 825 No. 2

Topical Issue Matters

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 27A and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Joe McHugh - the treatment of sufferers of Duchenne muscular dystrophy; (2) Deputy Anthony Lawlor - the need to establish two separate schools on the one campus in Maynooth, County Kildare; (3) Deputy Dan Neville - the establishment of a rehabilitation adult mental health service; (4) Deputy Pearse Doherty - the allegations in the media concerning NAMA; (5) Deputy Thomas P. Broughan - the offshore renewable energy development plan; (6) Deputy Denis Naughten - the steps which have been taken to investigate the possible sale and reuse of HSE braces; (7) Deputy Brendan Griffin - job losses at Shannon LNG; (8) Deputy Peadar Tóibín - the need to ensure that 50% of foreign investment into this State is located outside Dublin and Cork; (9) Deputy Niall Collins - the proposal to re-designate solicitors of the Legal Aid Board from public servants to civil servants; (10) Deputy John O'Mahony - the concerns of families who have children with narcolepsy; (11) Deputy Brendan Smith - the recent publication covering acts of collusion between the British state and loyalist paramilitaries; (12) Deputy Martin Ferris - to discuss the judicial review decision regarding the Shannon LNG project; (13) Deputy Clare Daly - the suppression of information in relation to thalidomide; (14) Deputy Dessie Ellis - the need to supply GPS enabled beacons for sufferers of dementia and similar disorders; (15) Deputy Paul J. Connaughton - the need for a new primary care centre in Gort, County Galway; (16) Deputy Timmy Dooley - the need to ensure that EU cabotage rules are enforced here; and, (17) Deputy Billy Kelleher - the need to adequately staff the new epilepsy monitoring unit at Cork University Hospital.

The matters raised by Deputies Timmy Dooley, Joe McHugh, Denis Naughten and Clare Daly have been selected for discussion.
