Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 8 Jun 2016

Vol. 912 No. 1

Adjournment Debate Matters

Before proceeding to Leaders' Questions, I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 23(3) and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin - resourcing the Cavan-Monaghan drug and alcohol awareness services through increased funding and staffing; (2) Deputy David Cullinane - an urgent and targeted response to the Central Statistics Office's quarterly household survey for the first quarter of 2016, which shows unemployment in the south east at 12.5%; (3) Deputy Marc MacSharry - over-afforestation and the future of traditional farming and rural residential clusters and villages in County Leitrim; (4) Deputy Gerry Adams - the Government's 100 day commitment to producing its action plan on housing; (5) Deputy Jan O'Sullivan - maintenance of jobs and payment of entitlements to workers in the TicToc child care services in County Limerick following the sudden closure of services with 55 children at risk of having no places under the early childhood care and education scheme in September 2016; (6) Deputy Thomas P. Broughan - pollution of beaches and bays from raw sewage seepage such as that at Doldrum Bay, Howth, County Dublin; (7) Deputy Seán Haughey - continuation of further education and training courses at the Trinity Adult Resource Group for Education and Training centre in Donaghmede, Dublin 13; (8) Deputy Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire - funding and delivering the Cork Events Centre; (9) Deputy Mary Butler - the need for the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport to outline what action he will take to support Waterford Airport following the ending of the Waterford-Luton service; (10) Deputy Mick Wallace - to discuss the impact on NAMA in the Republic of Ireland in light of the recent arrests by the National Crime Agency in Northern Ireland; (11) Deputy Willie O'Dea - to ask the Minister for Health the efforts that are being made to secure a favourable outcome for the staff of the Central Remedial Clinic who have been affected by the sudden closure of their pension scheme and if he will make a statement on the matter; (12) Deputy Mattie McGrath - the urgent need for the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs to direct Tusla to review its application of the 40 year age gap with respect to foster parenting and foster children; (13) Deputy Paul Murphy - the recent reports of over 500,000 patients waiting procedures in hospitals; (14) Deputy John Lahart - to ask the Minister for Health to make a statement regarding tonsillectomy waiting times at Tallaght hospital; (15) Deputy James Browne - the need for the Minister for Health to outline what action will be taken to address the recruitment and retention of psychiatric nursing staff and to avert industrial action by nursing staff concerned about the matter; (16) Deputy Bríd Smith - the issue of soaring costs in bin charges affecting many areas that have seen a 300% increase for some people; and (17) Deputy Clare Daly - to discuss the pension situation at the CRC.

The matters raised by Deputies Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin, Paul Murphy, Marc MacSharry and Jan O'Sullivan have been selected for discussion.
