Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 3 Oct 2018

Vol. 972 No. 8

Sittings and Business of Dáil: Motion

I move:

That, notwithstanding anything in Standing Orders, and unless the Dáil shall otherwise order, the following arrangements shall apply in relation to the sittings of the Dáil on 9th, 10th and 11th October, 2018:

(1) (i) there shall be no Order of Business or questions on promised legislation within the meaning of Standing Order 28 on Tuesday or Wednesday, respectively, and questions on promised legislation shall take place on Thursday for 30 minutes;

(ii) Leaders’ Questions shall not be taken on Tuesday, and shall be taken on Wednesday and Thursday after Oral Questions as the second item of business, and in accordance with the Schedule to this Resolution;

(iii) Oral Questions under Standing Order 38(1)(b) shall be taken on Wednesday and Thursday at 10 a.m.; otherwise no Oral Questions under Standing Order 38(1) shall be taken: save that written questions under Standing Order 42(2) shall appear on the Order Paper and be answered in the normal way;

(iv) Topical Issues under Standing Order 29A shall not be taken on Tuesday or Wednesday and shall be taken on Thursday as the last item of business, when the Ceann Comhairle shall select a maximum of five;

(v) leave may not be sought under Standing Order 34 to adjourn the Dáil on a specific and important matter of public interest;

(vi) Private Members’ business shall not be taken;

(vii) no Committee report shall be taken on Thursday evening under Standing Order 140(2);

(viii) all divisions shall be taken immediately;

(ix) the Dáil shall sit at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, and at 10 a.m. on Wednesday and Thursday;

(x) on Wednesday, the Dáil shall adjourn not later than 10 p.m.;

(xi) on Thursday, the Dáil shall adjourn not later than 5 p.m.;

(xii) there shall be no block voting time within the meaning of Standing Order 70(2) on Thursday; and

(xiii) any votes claimed on Thursday, 4 October, 2018, after the block voting time shall be taken at the block voting time on Thursday, 18th October, 2018;

(2) in relation to the sitting of the Dáil on Tuesday, 9th October, 2018, the following arrangements shall apply:

(i) the Dáil shall sit later than 10 p.m., the motion for the General Financial Resolution shall be moved not later than 12 midnight, and upon the moving of the General Financial Resolution, the Dáil shall adjourn forthwith; and

(ii) the business to be transacted shall be the Budget Statement and Financial Motions by Deputy Paschal Donohoe, Minister for Finance and Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, and the following arrangements shall apply:

(a) the statement of Minister Donohoe shall not exceed one hour;

(b) following the statement of the Minister, statements may be made by the spokespersons on Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform for Fianna Fáil, Sinn Féin, the Labour Party, Solidarity-People Before Profit, Independents 4 Change, the Rural Independent Group, and the Social Democrats-Green Party Group, who shall be called upon in that order, and whose statements shall not exceed an aggregate of 60 minutes in each case, and such members may share their time; and

(c) following the statements, the sitting shall be suspended for 30 minutes, and on the resumption of the sitting, a Minister or Minister of State shall move an allocation of time motion for the Financial Motions; and

(3) in relation to the sittings of the Dáil on Wednesday and Thursday, 10th October and 11th October, 2018, the business to be transacted shall be the business outlined in this Resolution along with the resumed debate on the General Financial Resolution, to which the following arrangements shall apply:

(i) the speech of the Taoiseach and of the leaders of Fianna Fáil, Sinn Féin, the Labour Party, Solidarity-People Before Profit, Independents 4 Change, the Rural Independent Group, and the Social Democrats-Green Party Group, or Members nominated in their stead, who shall be called upon in that order, shall not exceed 30 minutes in each case; and such members may share their time;

(ii) the suspension of sitting under Standing Order 25(1) shall take place on the conclusion of speeches by leaders, or a Member nominated in their stead, and shall continue until 5.30 p.m.;

(iii) the speech of each other Member subsequently called upon, who may share his or her time, shall not exceed 20 minutes in each case; and

(iv) when there are no further Members offering, the debate shall adjourn, and, in any event, on Thursday 11th October, 2018, the debate shall adjourn not later than 4 p.m.




1 Fianna Fáil

Fianna Fáil

2 Sinn Féin

Sinn Féin

3 Labour


4 Rural Independent Group

Solidarity-People Before Profit

5 Fianna Fáil

Sinn Féin

6 Independents 4 Change

Social Democrats-Green Party Group

Question put and agreed to.