Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 22 Oct 2020

Railway Safety (Reporting and Investigation of Serious Accidents, Accidents and Incidents Involving Certain Railways) Bill 2020: Committee and Remaining Stages

Bill reported without amendment and received for final consideration.
Question proposed: "That the Bill do now pass."

I thank the Leas-Cheann Comhairle and the Members of the House for facilitating the passage of this Bill. I thank the officials for their work in bringing the Bill through the House. For the House, the timing is unfortunate in terms of the European legislative date timeline and I appreciate the support of the House and of the Minister of State, Deputy Hildegarde Naughton, in bringing it through the earlier Stages yesterday. We look forward to bringing it to the Seanad for conclusion tomorrow in time for the President, I hope, to sign it in advance of the European regulatory deadline on 31 October.

Question put and agreed to.
Sitting suspended at 2.47 p.m. and resumed at 2.58 p.m.