Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Thursday, 3 Sep 2009

Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals.

The proposals will be considered under a number of categories. Category 1 contains adopted measures. COM (2008) 37 is a directive of the European Parliament and the Council on reciprocal recognition of navigability licences for inland waterway vessels. It is proposed that this adopted measure, which is technical in nature, does not require further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

COM (2008) 405 is a Council decision concerning the signing and conclusion of a Protocol amending the Agreement on Maritime Transport between the European Community and its member states, and the Government of the People's Republic of China to take account of the accession of the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union. It is proposed that this adopted measure does not require further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

COM (2009) 239 is a proposal for a Council decision on the position to be taken by the Community concerning the proposal to amend the Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods. It is proposed that this adopted measure does not require further scrutiny at this stage. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Category 2 contains proposals proposed for no further scrutiny and proposed to be noted. COM (2009) 11 is a directive on reporting formalities for ships arriving in and-or departing from ports. In light of the delay in receiving the Department's information note and the fact that this proposal is getting broad support for its aim of reducing the regulatory burden of the shipping industry, it is proposed that this measure does not require further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

COM (2009) 129 is a proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and the Council on the conservation of wild birds. It is proposed that this technical measure does not require further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

COM (2009) 194 is a proposal on establishing a financing instrument for the promotion of democracy and human rights worldwide. It is proposed that this technical measure does not require further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

COM (2009) 259 is a proposal for Council decision authorising Portugal to apply reduced rates of excise duty in Madeira on locally produced and consumed rum and liqueurs, and in the Azores on locally produced and consumed liqueurs and eaux-de-vie. It is proposed that this technical measure does not require further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

COM (2009) 267 is a proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and the Council concerning the placing on the market and use of biocidal products. It is proposed that this measure does not require further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

COM (2009) 268 is a proposal for the animal health requirements applicable to the non-commercial movement of pet animals. It is proposed that this measure, which will extend the existing harmonised regime, does not require further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

COM (2009) 299 is a proposal for a Council directive on the marketing of seed potatoes. It is proposed that this technical measure does not require further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

COM (2009) 321 is a proposal establishing common rules for direct support schemes for farmers under the Common Agricultural Policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers. It is proposed that this technical measure does not require further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

The committee should look at the habitats directive on cutting turf and compensation for farmers.

We have already done that.

Sorry, but I am new to the committee.

We had a very detailed submission and I will send the file on it to the Deputy today.

It is just that one of the direct support schemes for farmers is the compensation for turf cutting, which has almost stopped, apart from the 32 raised bogs that are——

Is that stopped?

The only bogs that are being paid for are the 32 raised bogs where people have to stop cutting turf this year. I will have a number of meetings in the west on cutting turf and compensation in that regard.

It is an important point and is an issue that Senator Burke raised before. We brought in officials from the Department and we can send the Deputy the briefing note from that meeting. If he feels that an additional meeting is needed after studying that note, we can invite them in again for a meeting. The secretary will send the Deputy that note today and maybe we can put it on the agenda for the next day.

I will have an important meeting tomorrow night in Galway which will be attended by 500 people, so that would be very useful. We could return to it because if people are not paid compensation, they should be allowed to cut turf. They cannot have it every way.

We are at a very critical time. People are cynical about Europe. The bog issue is an emotive one and I know this too well from Sligo. Before we head home today, we will send that note to the Deputy.

Will the secretary e-mail it to all of us again?

We will do that.

The joint committee went into private session at 1.23 p.m. and resumed in public session at 1.24 p.m.

We are back in public session. COM (2009) 323 is a proposal for a Council regulation on the introduction of the euro. It is proposed that this technical measure does not require further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

COM (2009) 333 is a decision of the European Parliament and the Council establishing a European micro-finance facility for employment and social inclusion. It is proposed that this measure does not require further scrutiny at this stage. Is that agreed? Agreed.

COM (2009) 349 is a proposal for a Council regulation excluding certain groups of vessels from the fishing effort regime laid down in Chapter III of Regulation (EC) No. 1342/2008. It is proposed that this adopted measure does not require further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

COM (2009) 354 is a proposal for a Council regulation derogating from the regulation as regards the 2009 and 2010 intervention periods for butter and skimmed milk powder. It is proposed that this measure which will extend the closing date for this market support does not require further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Category 3 concerns proposals that do not warrant further scrutiny but which are proposed to be sent to sectoral committees for information. COM (2009) 326 is a proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Statute of the International Renewable Energy Agency, IRENA, by the European Community and the exercise of its rights and obligations. COM (2009) 327 is a proposal on the signing and provisional application of the Statute of International Renewable Energy Agency. It is proposed that these technical measures do not require further scrutiny by the committee. However, given the importance of renewable energy policies, it also is proposed to send the proposals to the Joint Committee on Climate Change and Energy Security for its information. Is that agreed? Agreed.

There are no CFSP measures under category 4 and no Title VI TEU or Title IV TEC measures for consideration under category 5.

Category 6 concerns early warning notes. EWN 152-06 is a notice of initiation of a partial interim review of the anti-dumping measures applicable to imports of ammonium nitrate originating in Russia. Given there are no reported difficulties for Ireland, it is proposed that this trade matter does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

EWN C172-3 pertains to Commission Regulation (EC) No. 573/2009 of 29 June 2009 initiating a "new exporter" review of the Council regulation imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of chamois leather originating in the People's Republic of China. Given that there are no reported difficulties for Ireland, it is proposed that this trade matter does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

There are no proposals proposed for further scrutiny under category 7 and no proposals proposed under category 8 for forwarding to sectoral committees for observations. There also are no proposals proposed for referral to sectoral committees for detailed scrutiny under category 9.
