Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Thursday, 28 Jan 2010

Scrutiny of EU Proposals: Discussion.

We will begin with adopted measures. It is proposed that the adopted proposal COM (2009) 539 does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Based on the information available, it is proposed that the adopted proposal COM (2009) 619 does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Based on the information provided, it is proposed to note the adopted proposal COM (2009) 632. Is that agreed? Agreed.

It is proposed to note the adopted measure COM (2009) 645. Is that agreed? Agreed.

It is proposed to note the adopted measure COM (2009) 651. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Based on the information available, it is proposed that the adopted measure COM (2009) 660 does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

We now move to measures which require no further scrutiny. It is proposed that COM (2007) 744 does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

It is proposed that COM (2009) 541 does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Based on the information available, it is proposed that COM (2009) 577 does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Based on the information available, it is proposed that COM (2009) 609 does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Based on the information available from the Department, it is proposed that COM (2009) 620 and COM (2009) 621 do not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Based on the information available, it is proposed that the technical measure COM (2009) 634 does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Given the information available from the Department, it is proposed that COM (2009) 653 does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Based on the information available, it is proposed that the proposal COM (2009) 670 does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Based on the information available, it is proposed that the finalised measure COM (2009) 677 does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Based on the information available and the fact that agreement is being sought at Council level by the end of this month, it is proposed that COM (2009) 697 does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

We now move to items which require no further scrutiny and which will be sent to the relevant sectoral committee for its information. Based on the information available from the Department, it is proposed that COM (2008) 50, on which the Council decision has been adopted, be noted and sent to the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs for its information in advance of a motion coming before Dáil Éireann with regard to ratification of the agreement. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Given that the Council decision on concluding the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has been adopted by the Council, it is proposed that this part of COM (2008) 530 does not warrant further scrutiny. However, the Council has not yet adopted the draft Council decision on the conclusion of the additional protocol to the convention, despite the fact it has been approved by the European Parliament. It is proposed, therefore, to write to the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform to seek clarification as to why the Council has decided not to adopt this part of the proposal at this stage. It is also proposed to forward the proposal to the Joint Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women's Rights for its information. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Is there any proposal which it would be worth our while following up and tracing to see where it goes? It comes back to us from the Department in any case. Are there any proposals that seem to have substance in the sense that we might need to follow up on them to find out what happens to them?

We can ask that we be kept updated in that regard.

Based on the information provided by the Department, it is proposed that COM(2009)491 does not warrant further scrutiny and that it be sent to the Joint Committee on Finance and the Public Service for its information. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Based on the information provided by the Department, it is proposed that the adopted proposal COM (2009) 636 be noted. It is further proposed that it be sent to the Joint Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Food for its information. Is that agreed? Agreed.

We now move to early warning notes. Based on the information available, it is proposed that EWN L153/06 does not warrant further scrutiny at this stage. Is that agreed? Agreed.

We now move to justice and home affairs measures. Based on the information available, it is proposed that COM (2009) 704 does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee. However, given that the proposal requires Oireachtas approval under Article 29.4.7° of the Constitution, it is also proposed to forward it to the Joint Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women's Rights for its information. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Based on the information available, it is proposed that COM (2009) 705 does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee. However, given that Oireachtas approval is required under Article 29.4.7° of the Constitution, it is also proposed to forward the proposal to the Joint Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women's Rights for its information. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Based on the information available, it is proposed that COM (2009) 706 does not warrant further scrutiny. However, given that Oireachtas approval of the proposed decision is required under Article 29.4.7° of the Constitution, it is also proposed to forward the proposal to the Joint Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women's Rights for its information. Is that agreed? Agreed.

That concludes the discussion of the measures. The Dáil is to debate the committee's 29th scrutiny report on the draft legislative package for reforming the EU financial supervisory regulatory framework at 2 p.m. today. The time available, 90 minutes, is limited but I would be glad if as many Members as possible participated in the debate.

The joint committee adjourned at 11.55 a.m. until 11 a.m. on Tuesday, 9 February 2010.